Dear Friends,
This Saturday, September 6th, I am hosting a Mortgage Relief Prevention Workshop with State Representative Kathleen Willis. We will be partnering with the Mortgage Relief Project to provide information and resources that can help homeowners take advantage of programs to adjust their mortgages, avoid foreclosure and keep their homes. Please join us at Triton College, 2000 5th Avenue, Building B, River Grove from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (registration ends at noon).
On Tuesday, September 16th, I am hosting a Property Tax Appeal Workshop with Board of Review Commissioner Larry Rogers, Jr. and Oak Park Township Assessor Ali ElSaffar. You must file an appeal by September 25, 2014 to appeal the 2014 assessed valuations (for property taxes that will be due in 2015). Please attend for guidance and information on the process and for help filing an appeal. This meeting will take place at 7 p.m. at the Oak Park Township Meeting Room, 130 S. Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park.
Lastly, please save the date of Friday, October 24th, for a Senior Health Fair in Addison that I am co-sponsoring with the Addison Park District and other area organizations.
I hope this information is helpful to you. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email or contact my Constituent Service Office at 708-848-2002.
 Senator Don Harmon 39th District – Illinois