Dear Friends,
This week, Illinois launched “Get Covered Illinois” to help provide affordable health insurance to currently uninsured residents of our state. Get Covered Illinois insurance plans will include essential benefits like doctor’s visits, hospital stays and prescriptions for many individuals and families that currently face medical challenges without insurance coverage. For Illinois residents who currently purchase health insurance, but are struggling with high costs, Get Covered Illinois may offer more affordable insurance options depending on the size of your family and your income. Small businesses with fewer than 25 employees may also be eligible for a health care tax credit to help provide insurance for their workers.
“Get Covered Illinois” open enrollment began this week and goes through March 2014. For insurance coverage starting January 1, 2014, you must enroll by December 15 of this year.
To learn more, please visit: or call the toll-free Get Covered Illinois help desk: 866-311-1119 (open from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.).
If you already buy your own insurance and want to know if you might be able to cut costs with this program (also referred to as the "marketplace"), you can learn more here.
 Senator Don Harmon 39th District – Illinois