Senate Bill 3 - Senior Citizen Prescription Drug Discount Program Act. This program allows the State to negotiate the best prices for prescription medicines for our senior citizens. The cost for joining the program is only $25 per year and will enable senior citizens and people with disabilities to purchase their prescription medications at discounted prices. This bill is now law.
Senate Bill 565 - The Illinois Early Learning Council. The Bill creates a council to coordinate existing State, federal, and private-sector programs and services for children from birth to age five. This bill unanimously passed the Senate and the House, where the bill was sponsored by Senator Harmon's colleague, Representative Deborah Graham. This bill was signed into law, and the work of the council led to the Pre-School for All program, which expanded access to pre-school for 3- and 4-year-olds.
House Bill 2330 - the Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2003. This bill gives those who experience certain forms of discrimination the ability to sue in State court. This bill responds to attacks by the federal courts on long-standing civil rights. This bill is now law.
Senate Bill 30 - Law Enforcement Cultural Diversity Training. Senator Harmon joined then-Senator Barack Obama in sponsoring which mandates cultural sensitivity training for police officers, and orders a study of traffic stops to track possible racial profiling. This bill is now law.
Senate Bill 472 - Death Penalty Reform. This bill enacted significant reforms in Illinois' death penalty system, and Senator Harmon joined Senator John Cullerton and then-Senate President Emil Jones as a sponsor. Related reforms include a mandate to videotape all police interrogations in murder cases. These reforms passed the General Assembly and were all signed into law.
House Bill 184 - The Ryan Armstrong Law. Senator Harmon joined his colleague in the House, Representative Angelo "Skip" Saviano, in sponsoring House Bill 184, which provides stiff penalties for owners of vicious dogs that attack people. The bill is known as the Ryan Armstrong Law, in honor of a young constituent who survived a vicious attack.
Senate Bill 3186 - Human Rights Act - Sexual Orientation. Senator Harmon was a chief co-sponsor of Senate Bill 3186 which will added sexual orientation to the Illinois Human Rights Act. This language prohibits discrimination against people because of the sexual orientation in matters concerning housing, employments, credit transactions and public accommodations. This bill is now law.
Senate Bill 2654 - Eliminated the Suburban Cook County Tuberculosis Sanitarium District. This law eliminated the antiquated Suburban Cook County Tuberculosis District, and the associated tax levy it issued, while moving responsibility for tuberculosis prevention to the Cook County Health Department. This bill is now law, and the District no longer exists.
House Bill 5284 - The Carbon Monoxide Detector Act. This law safeguards homes and apartments against a silent killer - carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas that can kill with little or no warning. The bill requires carbon monoxide detectors within 15 feet of every bedroom. The measure is modeled after a state law requiring smoke detectors in homes and apartments. This bill is now law.
Senate Bill 2865 - Railroad Grade Crossing Safety. This law discourages motorists from stopping on railroad tracks at dangerous grade crossings through the use of automated monitoring systems. The legislation will give local law enforcement agencies, in cooperation with the Illinois Commerce Commission and the Illinois Department of Transportation, the authority to establish a system for automated enforcement of railroad crossing violations using video cameras. Vehicles that enter the crossing against the signal, or obstruct traffic at the crossing, could be ticketed and fined. The bill is in response to an accident last November, when a Metra express train plowed into five cars trapped in rush-hour traffic at an Elmwood Park crossing, injuring 16 people.
House Bill 4438 - Identity Theft Protection. Senator Harmon sponsored legislation which created stiff penalties or state employees and contractor who gain access to the person information of Illinois residents, such as Social Security number or credit card account number, and dispose of it in a way that leaves us vulnerable to identity theft.
Senate Bill 2554 - Cell Phone Privacy. Senator Harmon cosponsored and passed Senate Bill 2554, which keeps our cell phone records private by prohibiting the sale of this personal information by brokers. This legislation targets the practice of selling computer user names and passwords, cell phone records, e-mails, instant messages, and even records of websites visited.
Keeping Families Safe
Working with Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Senator Harmon sponsored and passed Senate Bill 2873, which helps keep sexually violent offenders off our streets by aiding states attorneys seeking to civilly commit predators once their jail terms are over.
Senator Harmon also sponsored House Bill 4193 which created the Child Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry in order to better track criminals who prey on our children.
Additionally, Senator Harmon sponsored and passed House Bill 4222, which requires electronic GPS monitoring of all sexual predators on parole or mandatory supervised release and provides increased penalties for persons helping sexual predators avoid complying with registration requirements.
Senator Harmon passed Senate Bill 2162, restricting child custody for sex offenders by prohibiting the father of a child conceived as the result of a rape from seeking custody of, or visitation with, the child without the consent of the mother.
Finally Senator Harmon sponsored Senate Bill 2562 which adds indecent solicitation of a child to the list of "sexually violent offenses" for which a person may be found "sexually dangerous."
House Bill 824 - Ending "pay to play" politics. Senator Harmon was the primary Senate negotiator of House Bill 824, landmark ethics legislation to end Illinois' reputation for "pay-to-play" politics. The legislation prohibits State contractors from making a contribution to the office holders who gave them the contract.
House Bill 886 - Elevator Safety Bill. Senator Harmon sponsored Senate Bill 886 in response to numerous calls, letters, and e-mails I received from condominium owners concerned about onerous new rules for elevator maintenance that were set to go into effect in 2009. These required upgrades were going to be extremely expensive, and, in some cases, perhaps unnecessary. Thanks to Senate Bill 886, these rules won't become effective until 2013, allowing the necessary time to determine which upgrades make sense and which don't.
Senate Bill 664 - Property Tax Relief. Senate Bill 664, which Senator co-sponsored, provides meaningful property tax relief to Cook County property through a three-year extension of the 7% "cap" on property tax assessments. This legislation also creates a long-time occupant homestead exemption, which brings relief to homeowners who have owned their residence for ten years or more. This bill is now law.
Senate Bill 15 - Post-partum Depression. Inspired by the story of a constituent, Senator Harmon was proud to sponsor Senate Bill 15, which assists new mothers struggling with post-partum depression. This legislation requires all healthcare professionals to provide sufficient education regarding post-partum depression and its symptoms to women and their families during prenatal care. It also requires healthcare professionals to invite new mothers to take questionnaires in order to detect any signs of post-partum depression during any postnatal check up. This bill is now law.
Senate Bill 1686 - Reforming Cook County Government. Senator Harmon has made reforming Cook County government a priority. In Senate Bill 1686, which he sponsored, control of the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center was transferred from the Cook County Board President to the Chief Judge of Cook County.
Senate Bill 1184 - Clean and Renewable Energy. With the help of former Representative Deborah Graham, Senator Harmon was able to pass legislation requiring a significant increase in the use of renewable sources of electric power such as wind and solar energy, and to enact meaningful energy efficiency measures. This bill not only helps to protect our fragile environment and reduce our dependence on traditional power sources, but it also makes Illinois one of the leaders in renewable power generation.
Capital Plan
This year, the General Assembly passed the first major capital improvement plan in Illinois in over a decade. The comprehensive capital plan will fix crumbling roads, bridges, and schools, and put people back to work.
The General Assembly actually passed two capital bills, with the first designed to take advantage of federal stimulus money and put people to work quickly, and the second aimed at our more significant long-term infrastructure needs. Together, this effort will represent over $38 billion in capital improvement projects.
With the first capital bill, the General Assembly put the State in position to promptly secure $6.7 billion in much needed federal stimulus dollars. Due to quick action by Senator Harmon and his colleagues, work started in May 2009 and addressed the most critical projects across Illinois and throughout the 39th District. Communities in our district received almost $30 million from this legislation.
Working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle and from across Illinois, the General Assembly was able to pass a second capital bill will invest roughly $30 billion in state and local infrastructure and jobs. The bill also allows the State to capture even more federal stimulus money. Projects include repairs to schools, universities, libraries, community and civic facilities as well as road improvements throughout Illinois. Public transit will receive much needed funding to improve and expand service, updating aging bus and rail fleets, and fixing transit stations and railways.
Ethics Reform
This year, the General Assembly passed sweeping government reform measures aimed at restoring trust in Illinois government. Through careful examination, discussion, and debate, several measures were passed that will fundamentally change how state contracts are awarded, how citizens access public information held by government, and how campaigns are financed. Below are a few examples of the measures passed this year:
Cutting Legislators' Pay
As families across Illinois are suffering in this awful economy and many more people have lost their jobs and are making due with less, Senator Harmon worked to help cut lawmakers paychecks by taking 12 unpaid furlough days - the same sacrifice asked of thousands of state workers.
Park National Bank
In October of 2009 our communities were all shocked when the FDIC seized Park National Bank. Community banks throughout Illinois have been shut down while large banks were saved by taxpayer-funded bailouts, and many in our community were concerned about losing the local values and philanthropy Park National Bank provided. When the grassroots Coalition to Save Community Banking organized, Senator Harmon asked his chief of staff to accompany our neighbors on a trip to Washington DC to let our federal representatives know our concerns. Senator Harmon also introduced a joint resolution urging Congress to continue investigating the matter. The resolution passed both houses of the General Assembly, and will continue to draw attention in Washington to our concerns about the impact on community banking in Oak Park, Austin, and the near western suburbs.
The Budget and Pension Reform
As our national economy slowly recovers, we're righting Illinois' fiscal ship. This session, the Senate tackled pension reform to cut costs, stabilize our public retirement systems, protect benefits for current retirees and employees, and boost our state's economic viability. These reforms will save Illinois taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars over the next 30 years.
We are recovering from the deepest economic decline in most of our lifetimes. This has forced upon us the opportunity and the necessity to dramatically reform our state's fiscal practices and re-set our budgetary priorities. It will take more than one legislative session and more than one budget cycle to fulfill our responsibilities, and we still have much work to do.
When it came to the 2011 budget, Senate Democrats held the line on school funding while cutting 5% of operational spending. Senator Harmon and his colleagues have faced up to the reality that the best available way to put Illinois on solid fiscal footing is to cut whatever spending we can cut, increase revenue in the most fair way possible, and to borrow needed funds on a short-term basis. This is not an ideal situation, but it is our reality.
Transportation and Infrastructure
Creating jobs for Illinois residents is Senator Harmon's top priority. Thanks to the major capital improvement budget we passed last year, we've put people back to work and we're repairing our crumbling infrastructure. Communities in my district will benefit from almost $30 million in projects. The Eisenhower Expressway and North Avenue are two highly visible projects funded by the capital bill. As I travel around the area, I see roads, bridges, schools, universities, libraries, airports and transit services being repaired, improved and expanded.
This session, we also sought to help transit agencies maintain service without fare increases and route cuts. We restructured the "free rides for seniors" program to ensure those who need the rides will get them and those who can pay their fair share do so. That restructuring saved the RTA $35 million.
Measures for the Environment
Senator Harmon continued his efforts to protect our environment. He passed legislation to accelerate investment in solar energy and to protect and expand our investment in wind energy. Additionally, Senator Harmon defended our renewable energy standards by leading the effort to defeat legislation that sought to characterize tire burning as environmentally friendly renewable energy.
Moves to Boost Job Creation
Senator Harmon was proud to sponsor the Employee Credit Privacy Act, which protects existing and prospective employees from job discrimination due to blemishes on their credit when credit history has no direct bearing on the job. Those who have lost a job and experienced difficulty with credit and debt during this difficult economic time deserve every opportunity to get a new job and rebuild their credit. This bill balances the needs of employers to screen potential employees and employees' right to privacy.
Preserving early childhood education
As the parent of three young children, Senator Harmon knows firsthand the challenges parents face providing quality early-education opportunities for their children. It's why he worked hard to preserve and expand early learning programs in Illinois. In January, the Governor signed a bill implementing the Gateway to Opportunities Professional Development System, which provides training and development for early childhood educators. This program provides early-childhood educators access to scholarships and wage supplements to continue their education and professional development.
Telecom Act Overhaul
A strong bipartisan effort has sent a bill to the Governor that will overhaul the 25-year-old Telecommunications Act to modernize the law and promote competition among telephone carriers, spurring job creation and economic growth throughout the state. This demonstrates to telephone service providers that we're worthy of investment in new technologies and our existing infrastructure, which will create good jobs.
Commission to End Hunger
Over the past few years, Senator Harmon had the opportunity to work with the many food pantries in his district. Clearly, hunger is a growing problem in Illinois, with more and more families in need of help. In partnership with the Illinois Hunger Coalition he passed legislation establishing Illinois Hunger Commission. This effort will improve access to food and nutrition through education, coordinate services and access to programs, and pursue funding sources available to end hunger.